All Coin ATMs

Scan your ATM receipt

The ATM receipt is also a Bitcoin paper wallet. Scan the private key QR code with your wallet app to import it to your wallet app, or store it in a safe place to keep it off-line.

The receipt is a paper wallet

The Bitcoin purchase receipt is also your paper wallet which includes the public and private keys that store the value of your Bitcoin purchase.

Keep your paper wallet secure, as this is where your Bitcoin is stored. Do not let others see your private key.

Import the paper wallet

If you wish to transfer the Bitcoin from your paper wallet you will need a Bitcoin wallet app. You can find an app online or on your mobile phone device using the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

Once you've set up a wallet app, you can scan the private key QR code of the receipt into your wallet app.

Bitcoin ATM receipt

The paper wallet is empty after scanning it into your wallet app. It can be disposed.

See also: What is a crypto wallet?.